Summit defibrillator on Croagh Patrick once again proves its worth
A man is recovering at Mayo University Hospital after being airlifted there from the summit of Croagh Patrick last evening (Tuesday).
It is believed the man suffered a cardiac arrest.
A defibrillator installed on the chapel two years ago was used to revive him.
CPR was also administered at the scene.
Afterwards the patient was airlifted by a Coastguard helicopter to Mayo University Hospital.
No information is available as to his condition.
Defibrillator units, which are solar powered, are now located at a number of locations on Croagh Patrick and have been extensively used in emergencies.
Their availability is thanks to the initiative and creativity of Darren Forde from Hollymount who invented the units which don’t require battery power to be operated.
However, once used, the units must be replaced within three hours.
After being utilised in last evening’s emergency, the defibrillator at the summit of Croagh Patrick has been replaced and the new one is ready for use, if necessary.