Inishturk had a special visitor for the opening of its GAA pitch.

Mchel muireatheartaigh visits inishturk in tv3s islanders

In episode two of Islanders on TV3 - airing on Wednesday, April 22, at 9 p.m. - Mícheál Ó Muireatheartaigh will be on Inishturk performing opening ceremonies of the island’s unique GAA pitch and commentary for an inaugural match between Inishturk and local rivals Clare Island.

Elsewhere, high winds and rain mean Bríd and Joe cannot leave the island to begin their wedding preparations on the mainland. It's actually Joe’s first day as an islander and the bad weather has trapped himself and Bríd on Inishturk.

With an August wedding date set, they must get permission from Joe’s local priest as Joe is a divorcee. Plus they must organise a hotel, dresses, suits, flowers and invitations.

With the clock ticking they are beginning a race against time. If they cannot leave the island, their wedding won’t happen.

The island's development officer, and Bríd’s mother, Mary Catherine Heanue, is also busy organising the opening of the Inishturk GAA pitch. Hewn from bare rock and situated at the heart of the island, the pitch is the islanders’ pride and joy.

Mary Catherine has just confirmed the booking of a VIP guest for the day. The voice of Gaelic games himself, Mícheál Ó Muireatheartaigh, will be performing opening ceremonies and commentary for the inaugural match between Inishturk Clare Island.

Of his time on Inishturk, Mícheál said: “I expected something unusual. I didn’t expect something so wonderful as this, built where you think it couldn’t happen. Stands by nature all round - the best of rock, great elevation, great views and I think there’s a special spirit.

“Once I come on an island I always say, ‘There is something different about this’. I think the only way you can describe it is, it’s a spiritual experience coming on an island. Inishturk is one of those islands.”

Later in the episode, Bríd and Joe do get off the island and begin their wedding plans. Rather than a peaceful and relaxing existence, the ‘hectic’ comings and goings mean the couple have been on and off the island on a weekly basis. Wedding plans are continuing apace but has Joe secured permission from his parish priest to get married?

With the grand GAA pitch opening taking place in a week, Joe is also turning his attention to his integration on the island and has made himself available for selection for the island’s football team - a close knit brethren of island men. Will they accept a ‘blow-in’ into the fold?