Matters of mens health

A FREE fitness and health information evening open to all men over the age of 30 years living in or around the Ballina area takes place tomorrow (Thursday, September 24) from 5.30 to 9 p.m. at Ballina Rugby Club.

There will be free blood pressure and pulse checks by heart disease and stroke charity Croí, plus advice on smoking, healthy eating, weight management and physical activity, as well as free information on health and fitness.

A men's soccer blitz is also being held alongside the health evening. For details on entering a team in the blitz, contact James on (087) 2379132. To register your name or for further details about the health evening, which is being organised by the Moy Sports Forum, contact Anne Ronayne of the Mayo Sports Partnership on (094) 9047025.

Meanwhile, the Men’s Community Initiative and Erris Men’s Shed are running a men’s joint mobility and strength class from Thursday, October 8, for six weeks. The costs is €25 in total and booking is essential. For details and to book, contact Lorraine on (097) 81079.