Sad scenes at funeral of Erris great-grandfather

A GREAT-grandfather who died suddenly exactly a month after his wife, daughter and seven-year-old grandson were killed in a road accident was laid to rest beside them today.

The local community in Erris turned out in force this afternoon for the funeral of Joseph (Josie) Wilson.

Mr. Wilson, a small farmer in his 70s, died suddenly at his home on Wednesday.

Grief stricken mourners at his funeral Mass today in St. Joseph's Church, Binghamstown, noted with sadness that his unexpected death had occurred a month to the day after the tragic deaths of his wife, Mary-Ann, daughter Marcella and grandson Sean in a road accident on the N17 near Claremorris.

“Josie was devastated by the loss of his loved ones but he seemed to be coping," one neighbour explained.

“His sudden death has cast a renewed cloud of sadness over a community already deeply pained."

As Josie's coffin stood before the altar in St. Joseph's Church this afternoon, local priest Fr. John Loftus led prayers for the popular farmer.

Fr. Loftus again called for community support for his heartbroken family, especially his grandchildren, Amy, Kelly and Anthony, who have lost a beloved mother, brother, and grandmother in the space of a month.

Following funeral Mass, the sad cortege made its way to Cross Cemetery overlooking the Atlantic.