Funerals on Thursday and Friday of Louisburgh tragedy victims

RELATIVES, friends and community are supporting the grieving families of Martin Needham (27) and Declan Davitt (26), who died on Christmas morning after a jeep in which they were travelling entered the flooded Carrowniskey river, about four kilometres from Louisburgh.

Martin Needham of Aillemore, Killadoon, Louisburgh, is survived by his parents, Pat Joe and Breege, sisters, Olivia, Patricia, Caitriona and Elaine and their families.

Declan Davitt, Curradavitt, Killadoon, Louisburgh, is survived by his parents, Walter and Mary B, brother, Christopher, and sisters Mary and Patricia. He was predeceased by his sister, Kathleen.

Martin Needham will be laid to rest on Thursday following Requiem Mass at midday in the Church of the Holy Family, Killeen, Louisburgh.

His friend, Declan, will be laid to rest on Friday following Requiem Mass, also at midday, in the same church.

The families of both men, grateful for the huge search operation carried out on Christmas Day, have requested that donations, if any, in lieu of flowers, be donated for the benefit of the emergency services and local volunteers.

Post mortem examinations on both bodies were due to be carried out today at Mayo University Hospital in Castlebar prior to the release of the remains for funeral ceremonies.

A full forensic investigation is underway into the tragedy.

In a statement issued this evening, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring, expressed his sincere condolences to the families of Declan Davitt and Martin Needham who died in such tragic circumstances.

He stated: "I know the families of both men very well. People throughout Mayo are shocked by this terrible tragedy. The community in Louisburgh shares the grief of the families and will support them in the difficult times ahead.”