Calling all community groups in Mayo
ARE you registered with Mayo Public Participation Network?
Public Participation Networks (PPN) have now been established across the country as the new framework for public engagement and participation.
Mayo PPN is to be the main link through which Mayo County Council connects with the community, voluntary and environmental sectors in the county.
The main aim of Mayo Public Participation Network (PPN) is to enable the public to take an active role in policy making and oversight activities
of the local authority and to have an input into future development in their community, county and country. The network works at municipal district level and at county level.
Benefits of membership include:
• Stay informed about what’s going on in your community and county – information on funding, training, events through the Mayo PPN newsletter, social media platforms and information evenings.
• Be consulted on issues relevant to your community, county & country through Linkage Groups and Pillar meetings.
• Get involved in the planning, development and decision making process by electing representatives to local authority policy-making committees and influencing what happens at these committees.
• Collaborate and network with similar groups to enhance your current activity.
• Create a sense of solidarity and collective action across Mayo.
Plenary and Information Evening will take place in the Tennis Club, Castlebar on Wednesday, February 7, at 7 p.m. All community groups registered with Mayo PPN are welcome to attend. Register online at
Registration can also take place on the night. Its Free to join!
For further information contact Mary Costello, Resource Worker, Mayo Public Participation Network, at (094)9047054, email her at or check out the websute on