Western Alzheimers announce services expansion

WESTERN Alzheimers provide support services for people diagnosed with dementia and their families, ensuring that people with a dementia diagnosis continue to enjoy full and active lives in their own homes and communities.

Their services include in-home support, day-care, residential respite care and longer- term residential care.

Capacity at their long stay and respite home at Maryfield Nursing Home in Athenry was recently increased with the addition of the Boston Wing, which was funded by Boston Scientific as charity partner to Western Alzheimers for 2016 and 2017. Resulting from this increased capacity there are currently vacancies for long-stay specialised dementia care and also for respite care. Maryfield Nursing Home can be contacted on (091) 844833 or email mariemellett@westernalzheimers.ie.

In recent years the importance of early post-diagnostic support for people with dementia and their carers has become very clear. In order to respond to the need for professional support post diagnosis, Western Alzheimers have added a professional family advice and support service.

The aim of this service is to:

* Provide increased support for individuals when coming to terms with their diagnosis.

* Provide advice and support for spouses/carers, families and friends.

* Listen to and learn from the insights and experiences of people living with dementia.

* Provide assistance and direction in developing and reviewing individualised care and support plans.

* Give guidance on pursuing pathways that provide ongoing stimulus to maintain brain function and enhance general well-being.

This service will work in partnership with other service providers both statutory and voluntary. This will ensure that existing services are used to maximum benefit, duplication is avoided and gaps in services are identified and responded to in future plans.

For more details, call Paddy Gannon in confidence at (094) 9364900 or email paddygannon@westernalzheimers.ie.