Local authority staff praised for work during crisis

THE valuable work and dedication of local authority workers, particularly those who work outdoors, must be acknowledged at all times - not just at times of crisis.

That's according to Mayo Sinn Féin Senator, Rose Conway-Walsh.

These workers leave their homes and families and risk their own safety to clear roads and carry out emergency works.

She stated: “Many local authorities and the people they serve are left exposed in times of crisis due to the harsh reductions in council staff.

“Mayo has lost around 250 outdoor staff since the public service recruitment embargo was introduced in 2008.

“Those who advocate privatisation and centralisation of services need to understand that these policies leave communities vulnerable particularly at times of weather warnings.”

“We owe a debt of gratitude to all these workers as well as the emergency services, home helps, carers health workers and others who work diligently and selflessly to protect us.

“I also acknowledge the vital role played by regional and community Radio Stations and local media who keep people informed of developing situations and most importantly keep people living alone connected to their communities.”