Mayo LGFA responds to statements by players who left squad


THE Mayo Ladies Gaelic Football Association has hit back at statements made by a group of players who walked out of the county senior panel during the 2018 championship campaign because, they claimed, the environment was 'toxic'.

In its response, the Mayo LGFA said: “We are of the opinion that the walkout was an orchestrated move designed to make the management of Peter Leahy untenable due to sheer weight of numbers leaving the panel.

"We feel it was a move designed to wrestle control of the senior team from the management and but for the steadfastness of Peter Leahy, the existing Mayo panel and the County Board it would have succeeded."

Statements were made at a press conference yesterday by a number of the players who had left the squad, including former captain Sarah Tierney, Fiona McHale and Cora Staunton.

Their statement are also reported on our social media platforms.