Decorated and illuminated Christmas street with carousel at snowy christmas night in Dresden, Saxony, Germany

'Alarmist' weather warnings are 'damaging' Christmas shopper footfall

Met Éireann's 'alarmist' weather warnings are 'damaging' shopper footfall, according to Retail Excellence, Ireland’s largest retail representative body.

A statement issued by the organisation said no matter what colour the alert, consumers stay indoors. “In reality, for the majority of the country last Saturday was a windy and rainy day but the Met Éireann alert led to shoppers' concern about venturing out.

Commenting on the findings David Fitzsimons, Group Chief Executive, Retail Excellence said: “The most common comment from retailers is that the weather alert issued by Met Éireann pertaining to weather conditions last Saturday was at best alarmist.

“Most of the country experienced rain and some wind and yet the alert more or less turned off the spending tap, on one of the most important days in the retail calendar.

“We very much hope that the lost spend will make its way into our members tills in the coming days. Met Éireann need to be cognisant of the devasting impact such alerts have on consumer activity. The alerts require better explanation and need to become more geographic specific in nature.”