Author and coach Pat Divilly.

Coach Pat Divilly giving Castlebar talk

COACH and motivational speaker Pat Divilly has just published a 14-day Upgrade Your Mindset booklet which is now available free in health stores and pharmacies.

Next Monday (September 23) he will bring the content to life in Castlebar during a talk in the Royal Hotel & Theatre (7-9.30 p.m.).

In the booklet, Pat offers ideas on how to make small changes over a 14-day period to one’s nutrition, mindset, and environment, in the hope that some of the changes become sustainable and ‘stick’.

Tickets for this Castlebar talk (€30) are available at


Stay Sharp to Maximize your Potential

Today’s work environment places ever increasing demands on us. We are challenged to absorb, analyse and remember increasing amounts of information and prompted to make quick decisions. This requires a brain that is fit, nimble and ever alert.

Author and coach Pat knows lots about fitness and dexterity of mind and body. The 31-year-old has successfully utilised the IT revolution to build his knowledge and his business.

He points to specific actions he took along the journey which had a massive impact on him.

I had a fit body since my mid-teens but it was only when I adjusted my mindset and nurtured my brain that I began to see the wider opportunities available to me.”

He has six suggestions for people keen to stay sharp and maximize their potential.


Focus on your ‘WHY?’

Stay in your STRETCH ZONE

Upgrade your free time

Fuel your body and brain

Give yourself an oxygen boost

Press ‘PAUSE’ regularly



Are you up for a challenge?

If any of these suggestions strike a chord, why not grasp the moment and participate in his simple two-week programme designed to help you form new empowering habits that support body and brain. Pick up your free Upgrade Your Mindset Challenge booklet in health stores and pharmacies, or visit to find out more.