Many farmers already in crisis could be wiped out by pandemic

AONTÚ leader Peadar Tóibín has voiced serious concerns over the state of the beef sector, saying many beef farmers already in crisis could be wiped out as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Beef farmers have experienced phenomenal downward pressure in terms of price and income over the last number of years. The market that’s been allowed to develop in Ireland is completely dysfunctional with a handful of beef factories making hundreds of millions of euro of profit while expecting farmers to bring beasts to the factory at a price below the cost of production, he said.

Many farmers entered this crisis in debt and poverty. However, now we see collapse in the market.

He explained: “60% of the market is exposed to manufacturing and food service, and much of these sectors are under threat of being wiped out. Export markets too are being called into question in the future.

First and foremost, Aontú want to see the beef market reformed.

A small number of beef factories control the market. They determine price and volumes.

The government heralded producer groups as the way to break the dominant position of the factories. This has not materialised. The factories are largely ignoring the producer groups.

The price per kilo is now down to €3.40 and it's estimated that there is now a loss of €125 per beast.

We are hearing over and over the government saying that we are all in this together. Now is the time for the government to mean what they say and reform the beef sector sector, to reduce the buyer power of factories and a ensure a fairer distribution of profits in the sector.”

He continued: “There is also a need clarification for the Covid welfare payment as many farmers are not sure if they fit the criteria.

Also, there are still reports of beef selling in our supermarkets with an Irish tricolor being in actual fact Polish beef. This is incredible as it reduces families ability to choose Irish beef.

Aontú is calling on the government to end this practice immediately.”