Craft producers to showcase at Horkans Artisan Weekend Festivals

HORKANS Garden Centre in Turlough, Castlebar, is launching an exciting new initiative - the Horkans Artisan Weekend Festivals.

Starting this Saturday (September 26), they will be celebrating and promoting the local Irish crafts community in-store every weekend until Christmas.

The last few months have shown us that local businesses need each other's support now more than ever. With the cancellation of summer festivals, markets, and tourist events, artisan and craft traders have been affected.

Horkans have invited local artisan and craft producers into their large centre to use it as a platform to promote and showcase their crafts.

“Over the last few weeks a small team here in Horkans have been working hard with local Irish producers across many products that are made in this great county,” said store manager Gary Kelway. “On Saturday, September 26, at 10 a.m. we cut the ribbon and officially open our Artisan Weekend Festivals.

“We look forward to promoting their products and supporting local businesses free of charge within the large garden centre.”

What to expect!

The store has been transformed into an autumnal market with 11 stalls stretching through the garden centre. The stalls will be taken over by your favourite craft and artisan producers.

Each weekend the centre will come alive with demonstrations, food tasting, and designers eager to share their skills and knowledge.

Each week and month, and as the seasons change, new artisan producers will be in the store giving a variety of demonstrations, skills, and unique products from now until Christmas.

And all are looking forward to Horkans becoming a street of stalls, chatter, laughter, smells, with good fun spirits in the air.

The Artisan Weekend Festival will bring you through the seasons, from autumn to winter. This includes Halloween right through to Christmas. Encompassing crafts based around these seasons, you will learn about and experience fantastic unique products that will be available to purchase from the provider – supporting their business.

Here are just a few of the producers involved in the Artisan Weekend Festival:

Wood turners

Candlestick makers

Crochet and knitting




Coffee makers

Chocolate makers

Cheesecake makers

Dairy farmers


Plus many many more

Of course, being a garden centre, there will be demos for planting by season and door wreath making for Halloween and Christmas. Horkans garden experts and horticulturalists will be in-store to help with all your gardening questions.

The Bay Leaf Restaurant is fully open serving breakfast, dinners, cakes, tea, and coffee too.

The weekend festivals are shaping up to be a fun way to spend a couple of hours.

Events will be updated weekly on Facebook and Instagram.

Do you have any gardening questions? Horkans horticulturalists and garden experts will be happy to help and answer any questions you may have in-store.

Safety measures

Safety for staff, visitors and customers will remain the number 1 priority during these events. There will be a number of safety measures taken to maintain a safe environment.

Queuing may be required to maintain crowd control.