Covid numbers at Mayo University Hospital remain high

The number of confirmed Covid cases in care today at Mayo University Hospital (MUH) has dropped by one to 50.

It's the fifth highest hospital statistic in the country behind the Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, with 78, Cork University Hospital 64, University Hospital Limerick 54 and St. Vincent's Hospital 53.

The latest figures, recorded at the Castlebar centre by the HSE at 8 p.m. yesterday, revealed that 13 of the cases were confirmed in the previous 24 hours.

There are four suspected cases in the hospital, up by one, and the facility's ICU stays virus free.

Nationally, the number of hospitalised confirmed cases has increased by 38 to 770.

The number of patients in intensive care units has risen by seven to 72.

There is one vacant general bed at MUH, a fall of 10, and two vacant critical care beds, no change.

A total of 111 new confirmed cases in Mayo were revealed by the Health Protection Surveillance yesterday evening to bring the county's total to 862 for the past two weeks.

It leaves Mayo with a 14-day incidence rate of 660.5 - above the national average of 582.8.