Mayo TD's call for meetings of NPHET to be broadcast to public rejected

A Mayo TD call for consideration to be given to making meetings of the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) public by broadcasting them has been rejected.

Deputy Michael Ring said it is imperative that there is a full and accurate account of each meeting in the current circumstances.

However, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has ruled it out.

He explained: "NPHET meetings involve discussions relating to the deliberative process of the Department of Health, including opinions, advice, recommendations, and the results of consultation, and public broadcast thereof is not facilitated.

"The NPHET is committed to transparency in how it conducts its business.

"Directly following each meeting, the recommendations of the NPHET are communicated by letter to the Minister for Health for consideration, and these recommendations are used to assist government in informing its decisions in responding to the public health emergency.

"The relevant actions and decisions arising from NPHET meetings are also communicated to the HSE CEO by letter, as required.

"Actions and recommendations arising from the NPHET meetings are communicated publicly and are announced through press releases.

"In addition, the Department of Health and NPHET Members provide regular media briefings to this end.

"Planned briefings are now scheduled twice weekly. There is also a dedicated webpage on the Department of Health website, where agendas and minutes of previous meetings are published as soon as practicable, once approved by the NPHET.

"This public health approach is in line with the advice of the World Health Organisation (WHO)."