The loading bay that is under debate on Westport's Bridge Street. Image from Google Maps

Call to remove loading bay on west Mayo town's main street

A LOADING bay on Westport's main street has been earmarked for removal.

The suggestion was made by Councillor Peter Flynn who said deliveries should be done before a certain time.

The loading bay is question, on Bridge Street, is outside the Foxford Woollen Mills, Golden's Pharmacy and Teddy's Fashions.

Every time he went past it recently there were trucks parked up outside those shops.

There were, he suggested, other loading bays on the street and there were car parks to the rear on both sides, with access to the street.

It was time to put people first and none of those three premises had a requirement for this bay as they take their deliveries early in the morning.

The mindset needed to shift towards people and businesses and to look at deliveries – have them done before a certain time.

Councillor Christy Hyland wondered if by solving one problem you might create another, though he supported what was being said.

Where would deliveries go, he asked.

Municipal district head Padraig Walsh said this was a reasonable question – what happens if loading bays are removed?

The fear was, he said, that you would have lorries double parking, which would impact on traffic.

Councillor Hyland suggested a 15-minute setdown area as a possible solution.