Delivery of west Mayo water scheme progressing

THE delivery of a new water scheme to Murrisk is progressing.

Local contribution payments are now being taken up for householders who want to connect to the new public water supply.

Payments are being administered through Mayo County Council and details have issued to local property owners.

Murrisk water committee, in a statement, explained how the government has already committed over €5 million to the scheme. For it to progress, it is essential that 530 households who have signed up pay their local contribution.

If the local contribution is not paid the government won't permit the council to sign a contract with a contractor.

Initially over 600 households expressed an interest in joining the scheme. Anyone who has not get signed up, can still join.

Councillor Peter Flynn said this is a 'critical time' in the delivery of water to Murrisk, Kilsallagh and Lecanvey, with bills for €1,540 going out to the 500 plus houses in the area.

He commented: “Payment has to be completed by June 30 and I am appealing to everyone to come on board as this a one-off opportunity.

“There is also a window of opportunity for those who didn't sign up to still avail of the option which is roughly 50% of the normal cost. It is important to keep in mind that many of the water sources that people use at the moment won't be maintained after the project is delivered by early 2024.

“Email or feel free to give me a call on (087) 6624898 if looking to still sign up.”