Councillor Donna Sheridan.

Home ownership disparity needs to be addressed

A DISPARITY between people living in homes provided by the council and those coming through the approved housing bodies route has been highlighted.

Residents in council houses can purchase their homes. But a person in a property provided by a housing organisation will never be able to buy their home.

The issue was raised by Councillor Donna Sheridan at a meeting where a housing update showed 116 homes in the pipeline for Castlebar - around 40 of them being provided by housing agencies such as the Irish Wheelchair Association, Peter McVerry Trust, Co-operative Housing Ireland and Tuath Housing.

While all housing is very welcome, Councillor Sheridan said the government was providing funding to the agencies for homes where the occupants will never be able to buy them out.

There should be a stipulation that they can purchase their homes, like they could if they were supplied by the local authority.

"There is an unfairness there," she commented.

Councillor Blackie Gavin spoke about an estate in Castlebar where there is a 50% split so on one side residents can buy their homes while their neighbours on the other side can't.

The delay in getting local authority houses built once planning is approved was commented on by Councillor Michael Kilcoyne during the debate.