Opportunity to join a Mayo summer orchestra

Music West, Breaffy Road, Retail Park, Castlebar, has organised a fun and social music experience for members and non-members alike.

Come along any Wednesday, starting July 20, to play some fun music with others, bring friends and family along, pay-as-you-play, five euro per evening (cash only sorry no card facilities).

Just download your preferred part from the link below and turn up. Come on the Wednesdays that suit you. Simple as that!

The music selected is based around movies and musicals. Think the Sound of Music, Harry Potter and James Bond!

Your music can be found here.

When: Each Wednesday in July and August, starting on July 20th.

What time: 8 to 9.30 p.m.

Where: Music West.

What to bring: Your music and a music stand.