Dairy Women Ireland hosts its first regional event in Mayo

The newly formed Dairy Women Ireland (DWI) hosted its first event in Connaught at the home of Aine O’Connell in Claremorris.

The mission of DWI is to connect and empower women involved in the dairy industry through the establishment of an educational and support network.

Martina Gormley, dairy specialist with Teagasc, gave a presentation on lean management in dairy on the day while Mary Kinston, independent dairy advisor, facilitated a discussion with attendees on the challenges facing dairy women.

This was the third event in a series of five regional events to be hosted across the country with a further two events scheduled in Kerry and Meath this coming September.

DWI’s first national conference is planned to take place later on in the year.

For further information about DWI please follow us Twitter @ DairyWomenIre