Mayo Ideas Week ‘Taking on the Future with Confidence’

MAYO Ideas Week is back with a full series of events for 2022 on the theme ‘Taking on the Future with Confidence’. Events will take place from Monday to Friday, October 3 to 7.

Now in its 12th year, it is a series of idea generation, entrepreneurship and business events hosted by the enterprise development agencies and organisations in Co. Mayo.

Events will be held at different venues around the county with a different theme for each day, each addressing core challenges and areas facing businesses of all sizes.

Mayo Ideas Week events will help businesses meet these challenges with confidence. Each day has a different focus under the overarching theme.

Monday’s focus is sustainability and the green economy, Tuesday is about export and internationalisation while Wednesday’s emphasis is on HR and skills. On Thursday events will be about the digital, technology and innovation arena and the week concludes on Friday with a major networking event.

Full details will be announced on the website and on social media in the near future.

Most Mayo Ideas Week events are free of charge. Owners and managers of businesses large and small are invited to register for events and full registration details are on the website Events include support for new and fledgling businesses as well as guidance for established enterprises on exporting, EU and funding opportunities.

Full details for all events are available on the website, Follow Mayo Ideas Week on Twitter and Facebook.