Preparations in place for Mayo hospital protest

Final preparations are in place for a protest at Mayo University Hospital at 1 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday) to highlight overcrowding and other issues at the Castlebar facility.

Similar protests will also be held at 17 other hospitals across the country.

Stated local Aontú party representative Paul Lawless: "People are incredibly angry and frustrated that the old and the sick have been treated horrendously.

"The experience of so many has been massively damaged by the lack of capacity is the emergency department system.

"Much of this damage has been caused by the policy of closing EDs, beds and the lack of provision of doctors, nurses and consultants.

"Nationally, many people have lost their lives and the health of thousands has been damaged.

"It's not going to change unless the policy changes at the top of the HSE and the government

"We urge people to take a stand and send a message loud and clear that we will no longer tolerate this health disaster in our lives."