Westport golfers perform in Portal to book spot in shield final

THE Westport Golf Club girls have made their mark and statement result, taking down the all boys team from Scotland, Murcar Links, by 4.5-1.5 at Portal Golf Club, Cheshire, at the Junior Clubs Home Nations finals.

In their Flight C matchplay semi-final, the top six matches determined the result, with games 7 and 8 only used to break a 3-3 tie. No such trouble, though, for these superstars.

Match 1 saw Ellen Lonergan win 4/3.

Her sister, Marykate, quickly followed suit, winning 2/1.

The third point saw Charlie Browne dish out the biggest winning margin of 5/4.

Match 4 went the way of Murcar, with Emily Griffith losing a great match 3/2.

The game-winning point was delivered by Sarah Corrigan in match 5, closing out a confident win by 4/2.

In the final counting match, Marykate McHale never gave in and won the 18th in a great match to secure herself a half point and Westport’s 4.5/1.5 win.

A shield final is the girls’ reward against St. Pierre from Wales, another all boys outfit.

Win or lose tomorrow, the Westport Golf4Girls4Life Programme has made its mark and impact on the Event Management and Other clubs.