Language plan proposed for north Mayo town

A COMPREHENSIVE language plan for Béal an Mhuirthead in north Mayo is being proposed as part of the language planning process.

The announcement by Patrick O'Donovan, Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, enables Údarás na Gaeltachta to immediately begin work to locate and appoint an appropriate organisation to prepare and implement a language plan for the town.

Minister O'Donovan explained: “In addition to providing funding to cover the costs associated with the preparation of the plan, my department will also provide an annual allocation of €100,000 to assist with the implementation of the plan. With this funding, a language planning officer will be employed locally to help implement the plan.

“This represents a major step forward in support of the Irish language in Béal an Mhuirthead and in the Iorras area in general.”

Údarás na Gaeltachta will select a lead organisation that will undertake the preparation of a language plan for the town. Organisations that wish to apply to Údarás na Gaeltachta to be recognised as the lead organisation in charge of preparing and implementing the plan have until June 30.