Milestone reached on €1m. Croagh Patrick pathway project

The new €1 million pathway project at Croagh Patrick has reached the summit after two and a half years of work.

Although there is still work to be carried out at different sections of the Holy Mountain, reaching the top is regarded by all those involved in the project as 'a milestone'.

The remarkable pathway was designed to improve safety on the Reek as well as addressing years of erosion on the old walking route by the construction of new natural drainage measures.

Great credit is due to everybody concerned, most notably the local Croagh Patrick stakeholders group as well as the government and Mayo County Council for allocating substantial funding for the sustainable access and habitat restoration work.

Matt McConway, an experienced path builder from Scotland, was appointed manager for the project in December 2020.

Mr. McConway and his team led the implementation of a technical solution to the mountain's erosion problems.

The masterplan had been five years in the making and involved a unique collaborative process between the most experienced upland path consultants and contractors in Scotland, England and Ireland together with all the stakeholders on Croagh Patrick.

The planning process involved consultation with the statutory consultees, together with extensive engagement with community, church and recreational users and has confirmed the support of all for the project including the formal approval of Mayo County Council.

The Croagh Patrick stakeholder group, headed by Martin Keating, put in place an appropriate corporate structure and acquired an interest in the path to facilitate the project proceeding in an orderly and safe manner.

The project was co-funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Mayo County Council.

The pathway will stand the test of time and make ascending and descending the mountain much safer for pilgrims.