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Progress made in acquisition of derelict sites in Mayo

A TOTAL of 11 properties will be acquired by Mayo County Council to address vacancy and dereliction in towns across the county.

Fine Gael TD Alan Dillon has questioned the Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien, in relation to proposed acquisitions by the council under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund (URDF).

He stated: “I have been informed that Mayo County Council initially identified 46 properties which were suitable for acquisition under the programme, with a total estimated acquisition cost of €7.1m. However, during the initial stages of the programme, it was indicated by the department that focus should be on buildings located within town centre areas which will provide some element of residential use.

“On this basis, 11 of the properties submitted by Mayo County Council were identified as suitable for acquisition under the initial focus of the programme.”

Deputy Dillon added: “Minister O’Brien has indicated that his department is happy to consider any submission from Mayo County Council making a further case for the inclusion of any of the properties omitted by the department or other properties not previously identified to be included on their approved programme. He has requested a further submission from the council in this regard.”

Continued Deputy Dillon: “Mayo County Council are now being encouraged to proceed with tackling those properties approved for inclusion on their acquisition programme.

“Under the URDF Call 3, specifically targeted at tackling vacancy and dereliction in cities and towns across the country, funding of €2m was allocated in Mayo.

“I am urging the council to continue to identify suitable vacant and derelict buildings given that there are currently 284 sites on the derelict sites register in the county while a dedicated officer has also been employed to address the issue of dereliction by engaging with owners of these buildings, issuing statutory notices and placing these sites on the register.”