Residents appeal plans for vehicle inspection building in Mayo county town

RESIDENTS in a Castlebar estate have appealed plans for the construction of a building for vehicle inspections near their homes.

MDS Commercial Centre Europe were given the go-ahead by Mayo County Council for the facility at Castlebar Retail Park.

The proposed building is within the confines of the existing MDS vehicle premises and will be used for pre-delivery inspections of new and second-hand HGVs.

Local residents in nearby Maryland raised concerns with council planners before they issued their decision.

Now, an objection by Maryland Residents Association has been lodged with An Bord Pleanála.

Submissions received by the council raised a number of issues, including noise nuisance, opening hours, air pollution, the development being located in the Golden Mile Industrial Estate, lack of a landscaping noise buffer, fire safety concerns, planning enforcement and impact on residential amenity.

Council planners did seek, and received, additional information on a number of points, including a noise survey, operating hours and use of the building.

They found the additional premises would not have a negative impact on adjoining residential amenities.

The grant of permission is now under appeal, with An Bord Pleanála due to issue a decision by mid March.