Donna Hyland. Photo: Ryan Gallagher

New service for older people in Mayo welcomed

A Mayo local election candidate has commended Mayo County Council for facilitating the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme.

The Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme is a new initiative which will serve older people in the county, and it aims to enable older people to continue to live in their homes and communities for longer.

Donna Hyland, a nurse and Sinn Féin local election candidate, said: “The programme connects older people in our community to available and appropriate supports.”

“The new service is person-centred, and it is founded upon the Sláintecare strategy which aims to give older people the supports to live in their communities for as long as possible.”

Ms. Hyland added: “It is great to see people living longer in Ireland today but the experience of growing older has its challenges. It is vital that local government assist with the planning for a healthy ageing population.”