Group at the Murrisk water scheme launch.

Work to start on west Mayo water scheme next month

A NEW supply of water will be flowing in the Murrisk area by the end of the year.

The Murrisk water connection scheme was officially launched yesterday (Friday), with works to start next month.

More than 500 properties are set to be connected by the end of the year.

Councillor Christy Hyland said it was a fantastic day for the community - 'a game changer in a very positive way for this whole area'.

Councillor Brendan Mulroy paid tribute to the brilliant community effort and all involved in the project, including his political colleagues.

It was a great day for everyone who worked so hard to get to this point, he said, adding: “Working together gets projects delivered.”

Councillor Peter Flynn hailed it as a 'great day for west Mayo', with the contracts signed.

The new water main from Westport will go to Kilsallagh for now, and hopefully on to Louisburgh not long afterwards, he added.

SDS Design Engineers, the engineer and employers representative for Mayo County Council on the Murrisk CWC (Community Water Connection), explained on their social media that works will be commencing in February and it is anticipated that over 500 consumers will have water connections by the end of 2024.

NRS are contracted for the trunk main and Joe Reilly Plant Hire for the distribution mains.