At the report launch were, from left, Michelle Harrison, Project Lead and Coordinator, Carers Department, CHW; John Fitzmaurice, Chief Officer, CHW; Dr. Natalie Vereker, interRAI Ireland National Programme Manager; and Dr. Patricia Carney, Department of Public Health.

HSE West and Department of Health launch landmark carers report

HSE Community Healthcare West (CHW) and the Department of Health have launched a landmark report entitled ‘The Pilot Implementation and Evaluation of the interRAI Family Carer Needs Assessment’.

The report is the culmination of a three-year project that piloted an internationally validated instrument that assesses the support needs and health and well-being of family carers.

This was the first time the Carer Needs Assessment form was tested in Ireland, which was made possible by government funding received under the Dormant Accounts Fund.

Family carers and health and social care professionals from across HSE CHW and many voluntary agencies attended the launch event.

The Department of Health was represented by Mairead Creed, Assistant Principal Officer, who said: “Family carers are without doubt the backbone of care provision in Ireland. Carers are essential to the Sláintecare reform of our health and social care system, which aims to support people with care needs to live independently in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.”

Speaking at the event, John Fitzmaurice, Chief Officer, HSE CHW, thanked the family carers and the health and social care professionals who participated in the pilot programme and said: “The process of systematic assessment ensures family carers are identified and recognised, acknowledges their right and entitlement to access supports, have their own needs documented and responsive actions taken to meet those needs.”