Plea to tackle serious road safety concerns in Mayo parish

Families in Breaffy, Castlebar, have waited patiently for five years for the promised traffic calming measures from Mayo County Council.

But despite assurances from local councillors and the unveiling of elaborate plans and drawings, no action has been taken.

That's according to Independent candidate, Harry Barrett

Barrett said that the lack of progress on this vital road safety issue is deeply concerning, particularly for parents who navigate the village roads while dropping off their children at school.

He elaborated: "I have received calls on the issue and it has been raised many times at the doors in the village.

"I urge Mayo County Council to provide a statement addressing the delay and outlining concrete steps to prioritise the safety of Breaffy residents.

"The village deserves swift and decisive action to ensure our roads are safe for all. Councillors have dropped the ball here.

Promises were made to put in further traffic calming measures but nothing has happened and this just is not acceptable, and I am now calling on Mayo County Council to act on assurances given to the people of Breaffy nearly five years ago."