Motorist has the hump after €3,000 'bump'

A REDESIGNED traffic ramp at Rathbawn in Castlebar is only weeks in place but already one motorist (a hackney/taximan) is complaining, not to say furious.

He says he busted his sump and damaged his engine on the ramp earlier this month and it has cost him a lot of money (close on €3,000) to repair the damage.

Our columnist, Man on the Bridge, upon learning of the hackney man’s plight, contacted Councillor Michael Kilcoyne, probably the best informed public representative around when it comes to consumer rights.

Councillor Kilcoyne responded: “This hackney man has been in touch with me. His case seems totally reasonable to me.”

He then went on to outline the recent history of Rathbawn Road as regards speed calming bumps.

Contractors, acting on behalf of the council, Councillor Kilcoyne explained, recently removed a ramp that had been in place but signage indicating that a ramp still existed remained up.

This situation continued for some two weeks, according to the councillor, and then the contractors put up a new ramp.

“Along came our unsuspecting taximan and hit a ramp which he didn’t know was there,” the councillor said. “There was no sign indicating the existence of a new ramp. In my view, the county council was negligent and are liable.”

The taxi operator involved has now indicated he will be filing a claim against the council’s insurance.

We await the result of that claim with interest.